chronological posts

carnival tape

it’s a sad pensive one because life is pain. please no one get hit by any more cars or abusing fists. that is unless ur karen lol. anyway enjoy the music, the theme is “firemen and police on the toilet”

snake emoji

new zine

i cracked and made a zine about a dumb and insane subplot of my life that u probably already heard me tell. but if you wanna read something alarming and gross on this rarified snow day its over on zines page. unless the power inevitably goes out. that is all


photo kredit for some, gunnhild + mary

merry ‘medical christmas’ every1! hope yours was as firemen themed as ours.

coming 2u adoringly from a field of nameless crosses! xoxo


fall ’24 tape

new tape ‘Lake of Rage vacay’ up on tapes page now, you freaks

a few new 1s

a few new oil paintings up

consolation prize volume 8

now available on zines page. featuring lyrics to our new anthem, treesus, a personality quiz, & several other braindamage flavored amusements.

free palestine acab lol ttyl

been trabblin

here r some guys i saw

stay strong out there u dingdongs

fabulous new tape

scrub scrub hyaaa, scrub scrub thyaaa, whether you’re tin or bronze…. it’s how we thrash like dying fish

there is a new tape up on ye page

heavy with amusements like a bunch of fruit with wasps eating from the inside out.

enjoy your hEAT EXhaustion suckaz


tanks fr everything!
