chronological posts

new taaaaAAaape

new tape ‘mouth problems’ out now, check it out on tape page. photo credit mary


new paintings winter ’23-’24

a lil mix of oil and gouachey, check em out

fuck terfs ceasefire ceasefire ceasefire ceasefire ceasefire fuck terfs middle fingey emoji


a yes

a yes another tape 4u duhhhrrr fuck check out mr tape page i sed

new t4p3 up

new tape up on mr tape page, we got nothin nice 2 say these dayz but just enjoy the kudzu lullaby


empirically dumb

g:  imagining u presenting this as court evidence, w a diagram on an easel

“and as u can see your honor she is not only retired, but also a dumb bitch”


h: she is like empirically a dumb bitch

it has been third party audited

n fourth, fifth, sixth party


g: we have called a medical witness as well as random 12 yr old to confirm these facts

consolation prize #7 available now

check out ‘zines page 4 it, mortality buddiez
