chronological posts

blackwater psychic


‘blackwater psychic’ written in 2018 with Becca, new version i just made, minus vocal

Inaudible Goblin (teaser)

music video forthcoming. imagine if there was an anime called Inaudible Goblin! Spencer. this is the themesong to that anime.


inaudible goblin spencer! opening theme Lyrics (multi round blind idiot translation):


Inside my heart’s Vulture: Let’s Go!

With this soft voice

Inaudible Goblin

And the bad dog

Inaudible Goblin!


Because I did it I’ll come out

Embrace this quiet heart

UE no right arm KO special and Asia

From the rooftop Pure Water Water


We are going to overthrow the state

I’m not in Jail Fast

Together with Bunny Friend

Let’s enjoy the fun

Let’s take a look at the fun


Inside my heart’s Vulture: Let’s Go!

With this soft voice

Inaudible Goblin

And the bad dog

Inaudible Goblin!




new version of song from 2010

the basics

choose the literal face outward

Master Of Craft

written 2018 as collaboration w my brilliant friend Becca, but never recorded, here is a new version


available now analog only

Oh Oh Oh


cicada wakes up

version 1 read by Blanch Dressing