By hoskuld on 2021/01/09
the password protected content will yield to whoever can tell the following:
how many more wild cowboys are out in the yard?
one word lowercase
*updated to fix when i originally misspelled it <333*
Posted in announcements
By hoskuld on 2021/01/05
this photo credit 2 ruby, is one of my favs
issue raised i wanna put all these mixtapes i made in digi form up here. they fit filesizewize– but cant figure out how likely i am or amnt to get away w it. contact me w suggesties or background info.
Posted in announcements
By hoskuld on 2021/01/05
gunnhild: yo Nadia Martin here !#hap7x0./a3hdh!@ You will get a kick out of this.
hoskuld: that you gunnhild?
gunnhild: Yes it is me take advantage of this great opportunity today !
finally back to usa number 1 woot woot as it is now known i heard ??will be in ur realm tonite
hoskuld: every car i can scrounge has been assassinated by flood.still waiting to hear back from one
gunnhild: damn i mean if i gotta take bus or taxi dats dat
good thing industry is ready to swoop in and stimulate the economy w disaster fueled interventions
hoskuld: you talkin dem debates already
gunnhild: ha no just lack of transport options to the airport
hoskuld: what city are u even in
gunnhild: i dont even know! theres a bunch of firefighters, a place that offers ‘prison style’ workouts and the train ticket machine stole my money.any guesses ?
hoskuld: …
gunnhild: legally sanctioned ‘graffiti’ murals to advertise fancy bars in former tenement buildings…sound familiar?!?!
Posted in 2019, CF-EF archive | Tagged gunnhild
By hoskuld on 2021/01/05
“and he was talking about nihilism and it upset me the way he used the word so liberally. it has been extended into the realm of Axioms, beyond critical engagent: that’s a cop out!
what’s not seen as effectual, no matter the content and direction of each potential action, is called nihilistic.
i want the word to not be used anymore. the goal is to produce a function, or else you are a nihilist. it’s now a formal criticism. its been neoliberalized: forget the quality of your desires; what’s important is that you carry the function out. your agency is stripped bare, but your agency is all you have. the result is atomized inertia. a constant velocity going nowhere, but free from the nominal (and therefore practical) accusation of darkness, backwardness, and associated negations.”
Posted in 2019, CF-EF archive | Tagged hedin seal
By hoskuld on 2021/01/05
Posted in 2020, new 4 web, pictures