nouveau witch my skin crawlz in ur house sit its
th WORSt style
nouveau witch my skin crawlz in ur house sit its
th WORSt style
my daughters startin 2 question me isaid
like she wants to go all out she wants ‘th real thing’ fr example
she wants us 2 hav a christmas tree
and shewants a real stocking n not
“….A Sock?” u askd
on the roof of the navy base in early summer still of all things still @ that crest of things to look hither n yon still still checkin her phone.i prefer when things r stalled and muddled.any form of poison.
put me in a category with ur addled little sister
and then zone out.stop watching for a few years.that shd be long enough
normal lab rats let the flavor go. the flavor that used 2 be the only one. having lived so many lives. sit on the couch thats gone and talk about it w beautiful blue cut glass cups in our hands. one of them some of them is still there.
swallow deep the lump in ur throat
command hug me why
is it why is it so hard 2 destroy still so hard 2 somethin g worthless
why does it live yet green far as the eye cn see pretty green
cycles like the sleepwalker th voice wraps around itself its own quotation animated allalone in coiled loops
eye can see green far as the eye can see green and
blue too
why is it still so hard 2 destroy somethin g worthless
the command to persist n cyclical careless application of pink wet mush careless is a generous generous reading but then can only chalk it up to the same old sinister formality n what becomes of any formality which is 2say a magic
i took my sweater off i put my sweater in the front room the proto meetinghall lib sat down on the floor took out a cold busch
[years later when i spelled out th B U S C H acronym joke 2 my nemesis,it bein one of my actual lil treasures 2 shsare @ the gasstation she fcourse she smilin but com pulsiv rebutted at once “”””thats sexist” but still didnt dare frown:thats how i should of known: what indeed r wymmooon 2do ?
i took my sweater off & the voice speaking over us cracked still today dunno why
the orange rose in the house for the 1st time climb it up the wall i slip down in2 th sedan next2 sashas pink sweater
rememberin tmrw a blue way 2 awaken and 1not LED lites
none of that
it wont help me 2 control anythin an yet i notice it every nite: hyper links
get terrorised out of my wooded hiway margin, dont stay in hell u fool live somewhere else where u could rly live
gim and i talked about places we could go.leave it as an easy thing go off into the harshly lit yellow margins dont givin up on the possibility of gettin out of the fenced in region
credit 2 cris/kelci
h: icant blieve how much of the N.O. news is still about the fucking football teams
like 10 articles about the saints draft but still w the bar up above with “this many dead”, “this many critical”
m: yes the fucking nfl draft is beyond parody in terms of stupid bread&circus bullshit
h: like ‘Death Toll’ as a casual counter in the corner of a page entirely about football
but then im watching plenty of porn too
m: esp since the entire sport is now purely hypothetical
g: u know what they say
when u dont kno what to do… do what u know !