ive been waiting for this too damn long, as joe wd say
ive been waiting for this too damn long, as joe wd say
i have a severe physical repulsion response to use of the word Bee as a pun/ imperative. it might be top of the very short list of puns I cant tolerate. those who know me can prob imagine from life context exactly why.
these are a few contributions to my 1 friends collection of cartoon bee images, w special emphasis on sexy queen bee manifestations. collecting abrasive images rly changes the gut reaction often
prize goes to Mr.Balloonhands, this successfully n thoroughly abominable mural was installed in my friends’ backyard at the request of their early 20s aged landlord and its effectively breathtaking and nightmarish beyond what the surface of their shed would have been able to instigate without Mr.Balloonhands’ intervention
thats all fr now!
check out a new analog-only zine by Jules and Robb, two utterly inimitable producers of mind-bending and unforgettable things written and visual (Jules and Robb respectively).
I personally really enjoyed it and this is my official endorsement.
“It was like being slurped into a wormhole and arriving in a dimension of disintegrating realities.” – someone who just read Robb’s half.
find jules bentley to attempt to purchase a copy.
this was in early feb 2020 even…
thanks to Jim (my dad!) for 30+ photos taken in february 2020 of 30+ images mostly gouache/ink, 2016-2019. thank you!
still looking for that cyborg zoomer intern to photo things (mostly oil) produced this year.
photo credit to Fred Charles for all photos of paintings from 2012. (fulldisclosure: my uncle)
the green edge of the mountain path invites me to reminisce with some emotion (& even sensitivity) about all the nice times i’ve spent with people i loved. with people who loved me.. up the road, past the road, just sitting out on the cliffside, or going into the cavern itself, exploring by day or by night. flirting, admiring, talking, watching the sunset, watching the sunrise. drinking, cuddling, throwing shit off the cliff.
i think about the years i’ve spent here. i run through different hangouts in my mind, racking up a dozen pleasant memories, two dozen.
when i get closer this time i realize there’s some kind of art shit posted up earlier on the road. like a big banner of still life fruit, supposed to be funny and clever. it makes my skin prickle with familiar frustration. super rude of someone do that but whatever. i can’t be so ready to freak out about everything and let it ruin my day. and then i look closer and see that there’s several of them, and that they’re affixed not unprofessionally to the barely-visible exterior windows of the built part of the cave.
this alarms me enough that i feel queasy, but i keep walking, even speed up a little.
at the road’s crest i look out into the valley, i take a moment to see the sky, see the landmarks, see how small they are, see what lies ahead, still feeling some of the warmth from walking fast uphill and from remembering all the nice times we’ve had, me and my people
…and then i turn around and see that the entrance to the cave is actually blocked with large canvas banners screwed with expensive bolts to the top of the access orifice and that some more colorful art shit and even instructions (instructions!) and i get so angry that i can’t even read them and i pull out my fucking boxcutter and i walk over to the canvas wall and i drive the point into the canvas and i slash
the paint is so thick on the canvas that the razor actually snaps off, and that’s when i notice voices echoing from inside the caves, not just a couple voices, the sound of a large crowd,
so i jam my hand into the small hole that did get cut and i rip until the hole is large enough to push myself through, and i run up the staircase
and the quality of the sound where i step abruptly changes, i look down and i see that the floor is paved with marble, brightly polished blue marble, i look up, i look around me and i see a bustling hallway filled with a pop up crafts market
i hear myself screaming something
i turn to the left and i see a security guard wearing a santa hat.
i turn to the right and i see glass windows installed at the front of some booths. before i can make any sense of the far-fetched architectural transformation i’m sprinting down the long curving straight hallway, up the staircase, to the atrium which should be filled with decaying PC cubicles
but instead i find there roughly 40 baby cribs concentrically arranged around the atrium. heat lamps have been installed on the ceiling. the babies’ cries are still quiet compared with the noise of the crowd shopping below.
i hear myself screaming. this place is full of mold anyway…. it’s no place to park your baby!
no one is listening. no one seems to notice me. i make eye contact with one of the babies. i’m panicking. i turn around. a woman in a golden wedding dress comes at me fast. i stumble back, realizing i am empty-handed. i see that she has tears streaming down her face and her makeup is running.
this is all against my class interests! she sobs. i’ve learned the truth!
she turns and runs away from me, into one of the narrower hallways. i run after her. there aren’t even any lights in here yet. my breath scares me. i try to focus myself on the gold sequins of her dress sparkling as she runs. we round a corner and she grabs one of the acrylic christmas trees and throws it down on the ground. plastic baubles roll all over the floor.
security guards approach from several directions at once. my head is spinning. a woman in a skirtsuit grabs me by the arm. i shove her into a wall.
TWO MONTHS! i scream again.
i hear a chaotic noise and realize that the woman in the wedding dress has smashed a window. two men grab me and drag me into an elevator. they throw me in and the door shuts. the elevator goes up.
the doors open and cold water sprays down on me from the ceiling. i stumble out instinctively.
i look around. i see a construction site. i look around. i see half a bus terminal. i see an american flag. i see a sign for a museum. i see a sign for a mall.
i’m on top of the mountain.
i saw hedin seal’s face in the other guy’s face when he walked up on us on the deck of the public pool. the innocent squint and normal hair so as to not look like an asshole in unfamiliar populations. its an unfair comparison but i saw it with my eyes. the one face superimposed on the other face like a bad movie FX. the screen is rippling.
shush hildigunn rautt not now, i hiss 2 the ghost but she wont shut up
ewww GROSSSSSS omg EW!
i forced the ghost away, jabbed its non material space with my elbow which caught a vapor chill on contact. to shake her off istood up i dunno if we hugged Heyyyyyy buddy hows it goin?
that dudes like a tiny Darth Vader i never liked him
bc he gives off really strong wanker perv vibes. my theory is he keeps that cat to attract babes
shut up hildigunn shut up
oh nothing nothing
i was thinkin cant resist of hedin seal iwas angry at myself fr the comparison an unfair comparison they would hate e/o unfair unfair and yet [we were ordered to leave the pool for some reason we walked around the wall a cloud passed in front of the sun everything was light brown and white even though they told me it was Summer]
a tension hung there undead like a bacteria filled mummy sarcophagus and maybe all those ages ago there was no such tension maybe it was only the decay of time that had made it or
could be i was jus t too oblivious to it back then,and it did exist back then jus the same
harmless enough to follow up and memorable because indeterminate like an open window even though
OMG what a STALKER hes like a classic grad school dweeb with a dash of American Psycho its SO WEIRD like type A grad school style grosssss he should have a PhD right now what the f is he even doing?!
i cough loudly loud as i can 2 cover it up lil tears spark the corners of my eyes of suppressed laughing it cant come out now i only just got to the first threshhold not now not now when i autopilot thru some questions statements qs fill in catch up try to sense nothing but sense more sense too much i try not to wonder what am i seeing ? what is the same ? it cannot be as simple as i thinkwhat a mess
what a mess the flavor of the air itself changes i cant blame the ghost at my elbow who chases me flits around the parkbench giggling utter contempt and zeal horror since
why is ragnar stuck w him in that cursed garbage heap of a house Its super creepy bc his room is very tidy very “I’m in Graduate School for Psychology!”
hes doing it bc he just wants to say “OK. Looks like our time’s up!” and then get a mini boner from that power dynamic
but just a mini one,just a modest lil professional stiffy i cave an blurt
cough so hard to drown her out mad that i got poked enough into reply i choke cough wheeze double over loud
nothing sorrynothing
yeah he s basically an evil clown/failed social worker
when isaid “mmmmmm things could rly ESCALATE rite here”
on the steep hazardous incline iremember tellin it
it lookd me in the eye (its eyes were like sand)
it smiled w honest joy when it told me
“we could kill each other”