photo kredit kjarninn, david, more zine n music soon, it blowz out there huh
photo kredit kjarninn, david, more zine n music soon, it blowz out there huh
“Cipher, not decipher. Work on illusion. Make illusions to make events. Make the clear enigmatic, make the intelligible unintelligible, make the event itself unintelligible.
Work on all events to make them unintelligible. Accentuate the false transparency of the world in order to spread terrorist confusion, the germs of the virus of radical illusion, in other words the radical disillusion of reality. Insidious, viral thought corrupting meaning, an accomplice in the erotic perception of reality’s disturbance.
Erase all traces of the intellectual conspiracy in oneself. Steal the reality file to erase its conclusions. But it is in fact reality that fuels its own contradiction, its own denial, its own loss through our meager reality. This is what gives us the inner feeing that this whole affair–world, thought, language–comes from somewhere else and could disappear as if by magic. For the world is not trying to exist more or persevere in its existence. It is on the contrary trying to find the most spiritual means to escape reality. It is seeking, through thought, what could lead to its demise.
The absolute rule, the rule of symbolic exchange, is to return what has been given to you. Never more, never less. The absolute rule of thought is to return the world as it was given to us–unintelligible–and if possible a little more unintelligible. A little more enigmatic.”
–baudrillard, the conspiracy of art,2005
ah yes here u go. this summer, take a sledge to ur credit score and go nuts! whilst listening to these carefully selected tracks, just for u. savor the sting of sheer corrosive confusion on the brain’s surface ridges; lick an ice cube and get stuck; yknow, live a little.
check em out here
” Vegetal communication is not merely a linear, mechanistic response to stimuli. It is a change across or through a whole network. For example, when one cuts sagebrush, it gives off a volatile chemical that helps wild tobacco resist grasshoppers and cutworms. Each change is a change in the whole. The chemical language of plants does not have a fixed semiotic structure. Plants can use old chemical words in new ways or in new contexts with different meanings. The language of plants is a collective affair in which plants can eavesdrop on one another and use this shared knowledge to prepare themselves ahead of time for attacks. Underground communications travel through vast fungal mycorrhizal networks, affecting numerous bodies in the process.
Recent discoveries have even shown that plant relatives across a wide range of taxa can recognize one another using specific leaf gestures and light signals, and use this to work together cooperatively. Plant language thus always emerges in an embedded context and is not a fixed property of the organism or the chemical compound. Plant language is a material language. It is a performative kinetic act that changes in tension with the world and with or across other plants.
Plants can even use biochemical cues to summon the predators of herbivore insects that endanger them. They can regulate their root volumes in a tensional response to their neighbors. They can share and distribute nutrients among different plants. They can release chemicals into their leaves to ward off predators. Root apices even have brain-like sensitivities to all kinds of minerals and dangers that can affect the whole plant.
All of this trans-plant signaling and communication takes place through a material kinetic movement of volatile gases, chemicals, light, and electrical pulses that touch and move through a tensional network. Material signaling thus requires a tension in which different bodies hold together and apart in a network across which material signals flow.”
my latest n0vel tentatively titled PARTY OF SHELLS has arrived in the world.
if u wanna be 1 of the 1st to read it email or textmee
in other news bware the ides of marsh
happy carnival every1 have a good time an check out mr new tape
hiya bozozos, i have little 2 say just noew bc a number of things are in the works and will be in ur mitts soon enough: a boppin good new tape, a probably 200 page novel lolol and also like a zine or something.
stay outta the line of fire,
x0x0 ur friend, me