By hoskuld on 2023/11/11
new tape up on mr tape page, we got nothin nice 2 say these dayz but just enjoy the kudzu lullaby
Posted in 2023, announcements, music and audio, new 4 web
By hoskuld on 2023/10/08
check out ‘zines page 4 it, mortality buddiez
Posted in 2023, announcements, consolationprize
By hoskuld on 2023/09/23
photo kredit kjarninn, david, more zine n music soon, it blowz out there huh
Posted in 2023, new 4 web, pictures
By hoskuld on 2023/06/22
“Cipher, not decipher. Work on illusion. Make illusions to make events. Make the clear enigmatic, make the intelligible unintelligible, make the event itself unintelligible. Work on all events to make them unintelligible. Accentuate the false transparency of the world in order to spread terrorist confusion, the germs of the virus of radical illusion, in […]
Posted in 2023, excerpts from other things
By hoskuld on 2023/06/13
ah yes here u go. this summer, take a sledge to ur credit score and go nuts! whilst listening to these carefully selected tracks, just for u. savor the sting of sheer corrosive confusion on the brain’s surface ridges; lick an ice cube and get stuck; yknow, live a little. x0x
Posted in 2023, announcements, music and audio, new 4 web
By hoskuld on 2023/04/10
” Vegetal communication is not merely a linear, mechanistic response to stimuli. It is a change across or through a whole network. For example, when one cuts sagebrush, it gives off a volatile chemical that helps wild tobacco resist grasshoppers and cutworms. Each change is a change in the whole. The chemical language of plants […]
Posted in 2023, excerpts from other things