
new zine

i cracked and made a zine about a dumb and insane subplot of my life that u probably already heard me tell. but if you wanna read something alarming and gross on this rarified snow day its over on zines page. unless the power inevitably goes out. that is all

fall '24 tape

fall ’24 tape

new tape ‘Lake of Rage vacay’ up on tapes page now, you freaks

a few new 1s

a few new oil paintings up

consolation prize volume 8

consolation prize volume 8

now available on zines page. featuring lyrics to our new anthem, treesus, a personality quiz, & several other braindamage flavored amusements. free palestine acab lol ttyl

new taaaaAAaape

new taaaaAAaape

new tape ‘mouth problems’ out now, check it out on tape page. photo credit mary

new paintings winter ’23-’24

a lil mix of oil and gouachey, check em out fuck terfs ceasefire ceasefire ceasefire ceasefire ceasefire fuck terfs middle fingey emoji

new t4p3 up

new t4p3 up

new tape up on mr tape page, we got nothin nice 2 say these dayz but just enjoy the kudzu lullaby

consolation prize #7 available now

consolation prize #7 available now

check out ‘zines page 4 it, mortality buddiez

summer tape ’23

ah yes here u go. this summer, take a sledge to ur credit score and go nuts! whilst listening to these carefully selected tracks, just for u. savor the sting of sheer corrosive confusion on the brain’s surface ridges; lick an ice cube and get stuck; yknow, live a little. x0x

some new paintings

check em out here