
consolation prize volume 6

consolation prize volume 6

  new zine up on zine page

here is

here is

  my latest n0vel tentatively titled PARTY OF SHELLS has arrived in the world.   if u wanna be 1 of the 1st to read it email or textmee   in other news bware the ides of marsh

new tape

new tape

happy carnival every1 have a good time an check out mr new tape

combing subtractions

combing subtractions

      hiya bozozos, i have little 2 say just noew bc a number of things are in the works and will be in ur mitts soon enough: a boppin good new tape, a probably 200 page novel lolol and also like a zine or something. stay outta the line of fire, x0x0 ur […]

noise demo new years eve

noise demo new years eve

another PSA.

stop cop city. linktree:   more info:   haver never linked a twitter before but they’re being raided today and this seems like the best route to updates: Tweets by defendATLforest     to donate:

a serious PSA this time

hi. i don;t usually do this but i’m sharing this article because it’s about an incident that i think will slide under the radar for many people and i want to emphasize it. And Now They Are Coming for the Unhoused: The Long Push to Expand Involuntary Treatment in America mass shootings in this country […]

bookfair @ main library december 10

bookfair @ main library december 10

cya there u silly noodle heads

im so sick

of ppl talking about TV shows