
Protected: book recs of 2020

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the password protected content will yield to whoever can tell the following: how many more wild cowboys are out in the yard? one word lowercase   *updated to fix when i originally misspelled it <333*

copyrite concernz

this photo credit 2 ruby, is one of my favs   issue raised i wanna put all these mixtapes i made in digi form up here. they fit filesizewize– but cant figure out how likely i am or amnt to get away w it. contact me w suggesties or background info.



check out a new analog-only zine by Jules and Robb, two utterly inimitable producers of mind-bending and unforgettable things written and visual (Jules and Robb respectively). I personally really enjoyed it and this is my official endorsement. “It was like being slurped into a wormhole and arriving in a dimension of disintegrating realities.” – someone […]

photo credit

photo credit

thanks to Jim (my dad!) for 30+ photos taken in february 2020 of 30+ images mostly gouache/ink, 2016-2019. thank you! still looking for that cyborg zoomer intern to photo things (mostly oil) produced this year.   photo credit to Fred Charles for all photos of paintings from 2012. (fulldisclosure: my uncle)


this year was the most productive year of painting (and basically everything else) ive had in 5+years. i would like to photo and post my more recent things of which there is prob over 100 since the last time i worked on digitizing things. in the meantime i am posting older things i have images […]

issue #49

CF-EF Issue #49 WORKAROUNDS november 2020 now available by request alongside back issues. we will be concluding the series in January after issue 51. there will be a celebration. i am looking for an intern.


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