music and audio

carnival tape

carnival tape

it’s a sad pensive one because life is pain. please no one get hit by any more cars or abusing fists. that is unless ur karen lol. anyway enjoy the music, the theme is “firemen and police on the toilet”

fall '24 tape

fall ’24 tape

new tape ‘Lake of Rage vacay’ up on tapes page now, you freaks

fabulous new tape

fabulous new tape

scrub scrub hyaaa, scrub scrub thyaaa, whether you’re tin or bronze…. it’s how we thrash like dying fish there is a new tape up on ye page heavy with amusements like a bunch of fruit with wasps eating from the inside out. enjoy your hEAT EXhaustion suckaz  

new taaaaAAaape

new taaaaAAaape

new tape ‘mouth problems’ out now, check it out on tape page. photo credit mary

a yes

a yes

a yes another tape 4u duhhhrrr fuck check out mr tape page i sed

new t4p3 up

new t4p3 up

new tape up on mr tape page, we got nothin nice 2 say these dayz but just enjoy the kudzu lullaby

summer tape ’23

ah yes here u go. this summer, take a sledge to ur credit score and go nuts! whilst listening to these carefully selected tracks, just for u. savor the sting of sheer corrosive confusion on the brain’s surface ridges; lick an ice cube and get stuck; yknow, live a little. x0x

new tape

new tape

happy carnival every1 have a good time an check out mr new tape

new tape up

new tape up

mop ur floor or something after u download mr tape from the tapes page

album review: nobodys home

album review: nobodys home

russian tsarlag – nobodys home carlos gonzales, or RT as i like to call this artist, is not for everybody. i’m not sure what other people hear or don’t hear in them, but i sense that this music must seem either overcluttered or overly simple to people, based on the types of dismissals i’ve heard. […]