snow dust on me it cold like a grinnin g hell amp it up an bring it in 2 vertigo more an more un b leavey gentle lil teeth white dust on the frizzozen dirt piles mud stiff as a freezedried astronaut food of whipped up choco mousse
huuuuuge dogs growl an throw them selfs at the chain link busted fences
the squirrels r brite red like clifford the dog the dog loud as a bus barrelin at me an a woman growls out 2 evenlouder
is persephone the name of the huge fuckin dog? nthen i wanna know th rest of their names but def not gonna go any closer 2 th sketchy fence: i get rminded of the dimension of the 46 dogs now theres a real deal bizarro horror dungeon of wtf of which someone cn gently reminisce 2 me over coffee an i can only be like oh. o-o;; yea rite ok so u spray painted ur windows that seems uh dark
n cross the street persephone ddnt seem 2b listening. its all gray up in the then i look round in th 4 directions at th names of th streets an confirm that its true the sun is gonna b setting soon and i am rly
gunnhild txts me
sisterwife are u there??
just dont eat th pomegranate seeds ok??
iwonder 2 myself if mayb th dumpster kroger gummies inthiscase r the pomegranate seeds.these i been carryin them around in th bottoms of my overstuffed multi level pockets (poor mans viagra they say:fruit snax)
curiosity keeled the cat keeled the subtropical splendor of her yr round springtime:
munch a red citric acid filled lil gem in th wrong company an nex thing u know u took u a wrong turn ur stranded ur in frickin winter
we been knowin g this 4millenias that
that s jus how it works (sothen 4 me this only meanz: ruh roh)