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micro dosin

wow u mus b a rly_____ phr33 sp1r1t

candy and worms

  the candy hidden on the bookshelf in my green metal box was full of maggots this morning that were stained purple and pink from living inside a bag of wild berry gummy lifesavers. most remarkable were the dangling cornmeal-like moth crumbles that filled the wrapper still wiggling little tremors thru their shaking world or […]

the snake

the snake

  this trucks gonna need a looooooootta work

when u ask me

  after all what the fuck s the matter wit u ? its that im havin problems w my eraserhead its not doin its job i can still hear classic rock block the fuckin beatles

what does it mean

  This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway Sadly the song is about a pack of fags, who thought they liked girls, but did no… So they set out for the frozen tundra to have a good time, equipped with a bunch of electric blanket… So they could cuddle in the nude and […]



  it still unclear if author is or is not a Conrad ie is tone ‘goddamn COMMY’ or pro COMMY. alwayz hard 2 tell ur  tone in text man!