By hoskuld on 2020/12/19
i asked rita. “how come? why?” “becuz u crazy,” she sang
Posted in 2018, CF-EF archive, one liners
By hoskuld on 2020/12/19
time is on my side u might say its not but it is
Posted in 2018, CF-EF archive, one liners
By hoskuld on 2020/12/19
they r a dime a dozen sometimes ur the demon sometimes ur the dude
Posted in 2018, CF-EF archive, one liners
By hoskuld on 2020/12/19
Njal remained silent while Gunnar told him everything. Then he spoke: ‘You must not let her have her way in everything.’ Gunnar said, ‘You make the judgement yourself.’ Njal said, ‘It’s going to be hard for you to atone for all of Hallgerd’s misdoings, and another time the effects will be greater than now, […]
Posted in 2018, CF-EF archive, excerpts from icelandic sagas
By hoskuld on 2020/12/19
The news spread far and wide and many people said that it had not happened any sooner than was likely. Gunnar rode to Bergthorshvol and told Njal of these deeds. Njal spoke: ‘It’s a big thing you’ve done, but you’ve been greatly provoked.’ ‘What will come next?’ said Gunnar. ‘Do you want me to tell […]
Posted in 2018, CF-EF archive, excerpts from icelandic sagas | Tagged gunnar
By hoskuld on 2020/12/19
The two of them, Gunnar and Njal, said that no matter would ever arise that they would not settle by themselves. They stood by this and always remained friends
Posted in 2018, CF-EF archive, excerpts from icelandic sagas | Tagged gunnar
By hoskuld on 2020/12/19
starts as a sparkle on the torn up inner side of my mouth where my misaligned tooth bites the cheek a bit of a pinch of a soreness of a moist callus and from here it opens me up its born once in the sunshine on the remote island its born a second time […]
Posted in 2018, CF-EF archive
By hoskuld on 2020/12/19
she says “IM just gonna rent a cabin on the BEACH N THEN ppl will come to my FUCKING BIRTHDAY”
Posted in 2018, CF-EF archive, one liners | Tagged hildigunn
By hoskuld on 2020/12/19
after all what the fuck s the matter wit u ? its that im havin problems w my eraserhead its not doin its job i can still hear classic rock block the fuckin beatles
Posted in 2018, CF-EF archive, one liners
By hoskuld on 2020/12/19
wellllll things in my life arnt perfect but she said im so glad i dont have 2 stand around drinking cheap beer w the same 6 people 4 the rest of my life sorry iam a BITCH
Posted in 2018, CF-EF archive, one liners | Tagged hallgerd swan