
consolation prize volume 8

consolation prize volume 8

now available on zines page. featuring lyrics to our new anthem, treesus, a personality quiz, & several other braindamage flavored amusements. free palestine acab lol ttyl

consolation prize #7 available now

consolation prize #7 available now

check out ‘zines page 4 it, mortality buddiez

consolation prize volume 6

consolation prize volume 6

  new zine up on zine page


thank u to everyone who was in that swarming mob and who bought scraps of paper from my offspring in cold hard cash or food miniature models. digi versionz of VOLUME 5 are now available on zines page. happy birthday gunnhild. salem, hardly know em

another can o spam

another can o spam

consolation prize volume 4 now up on zines page   alseaux u.s. abortion laws by state      

newey stuff

newey stuff

lol gunnhild has made 2 new tape and a diagram 2 xplain the rainbow flag 4u and they are UP THERE i have made a new tape and its better than the last 3 imade also about 2 deliv cpriz volume 4 a surprize zine some baffling images oh just kidding we all got heatsroke […]

new zine out AND new tape up

\ consolation prize volume 3 is up on the zines page a summer hitz mixtape, ‘oven clock atomic clock’ is up on the mixtapes page ! new ptgz n tapes comig z00n

teaser 4 consopriz volume 2,coming s00n

whales in pools r gonna rip off my armz recallin of what ppl lookin liek me rippd off their Frontal Lobe or w/e rip! touch my clammyskin n w ur huge eyes whoshine whisper 2 me in hifi b4 iscream i hear u scream u screamd 1st    u screamd kilometerz u screamin decade nfact […]