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njal remained silent

  Njal remained silent while Gunnar told him everything. Then he spoke: ‘You must not let her have her way in everything.’ Gunnar said, ‘You make the judgement yourself.’ Njal said, ‘It’s going to be hard for you to atone for all of Hallgerd’s misdoings, and another time the effects will be greater than now, […]

clown college

clown college

“damn. what did you do?” “cried a lot. for hours and hours every day, from the moment i woke up and until i was asleep, pretty much.” “like, silent tears?” “a lot of that, but a lot of sobbing, too. all different styles.” “how did you get anything done?” “i had to take breaks, of […]

excerpt from brain damage recovery support show

U kno time is not this constant THING we THINK it is i KNO sometimes I set the microwave for 1 min turn around fr one seconand ” bing! ” i’m like damn !

his halberd is at home

  Gunnar saw a red tunic at the window and he made a thrust with his halberd and hit Thorgrim in the waist. The Norwegian lost his grip on his shield, his feet slipped and he fell off the roof and then walked to where Gizur and the others were sitting on the ground. Gizur […]

my happiness

  starts as a sparkle on the torn up inner side of my mouth where my misaligned tooth bites the cheek a bit of a pinch of a soreness of a moist callus and from here it opens me up its born once in the sunshine on the remote island its born a second time […]